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 Ayurveda is a ancient system 5,000 years old from India. 
"Science of Life" and it is the art of living in harmony with nature.

We are going to be reviewing the 3 types of Dosha Energy

Each of us has a unique proportion of the three doshas.  
Ayurveda teaches us that if a dosha increases beyond its original, natural proportion for us, it fosters an environment where disease can flourish.

So what we want to do is to get these into right relationship with each dosha.

It is common for our predominant dosha (Vata, Pitta or Kapha) to increase more quickly than other doshas because we tend to perpetuate what we know best. Like INCREASES Like.

Here is an example, if your dominant dosha is Kapha, due to the slow quality of Kapha you may be naturally inclined toward calming activities. In excess, this quality may lead to stagnation (blocked energy).  I'm using this because it is my body type.  The link below will help you discover your Dosha.

If a dosha increases in our bodies, Ayurveda suggests that we will want to decrease it in order to restore a healthy balance to our system.

Here is a great link for your figuring out your Dosha - which is your personal energy signature.  
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